i am very very sorry i have not posted. missy toto and michelle, thank you for putting up with me. i hope this will make things better.
so. because i have never done this before, i am going to tell you what i did today. that's right. just like one of those annoying blogs that tell you the same thing every day. (but don't worry, i will only do it this once).
- i woke up at 6.50, then went back to sleep. then i dreamed about my cat meowing at me, and she actually was so i woke up and chatted to her for a bit. unfortunately i could not get up and cater to her whims because i had a horrible horrible headache, so she went off to yell at mum.
- awhile later i adventured to the bathroom for water and pain killers, then got back into bed where i read a large portion of E.M. Forster's
Howards End.
- at 10 i decided my hair was gross so i had a shower and then tried staightening my hair when it was wet. this did not go well: there was a lot of steam and it freaked me out.. so i waited till it got more dry before i made more straight.
- i read some more, then my grandparents came so i got to talk to them for a bit, before i ran off to catch bus to vic.
- went to ENGL 209: The Novel, lecture. I stayed awake but mentally i slept through most of it. i came to a few tangential epiphanies, such as: english literature is stupid, i should be saving the world, or at least learning about something useful like politics, maybe i should reconsider my degree structure (for the two-millionth time), maybe i should go to bible college, i really just want to go back to high school, wow if university was high school then i would be at the end of 6th form, which means that at the end of last year i should have been insane (true) and right now i should be the most ultimate teacher's pet and doing really well in all my subjects (not true).
- evenutually the lecture ended, and i ran outside just in time to catch a bus to work. when i got to work sarah said something horrible to me (as per usual) and i told her how much i appreciate having her as a friend ( :D ).
i got heaps of work done, we pretended to have a team meeting (well it was, just we were in a cafe..), and sarah did amazing things with boxes and fancy computer programmes. i spent a lot of time choking and dealing with this crazy lady who had the wrong number but just kept re-calling it and re-calling it.
- after some email funness and much hilarity from mr wright, me and sarah got to leave work and go to a gymnastics movie with kate and teri and diana - w00t!! it was funny and it had silly boys and quotes like "i'm going to prom!" and "it's not gym-NICE-tics."
- then we were all girly and went to a cafe and giggled lots. we learned about diana's interesting taste in tables, teri's secret desire to join the circus, and how easily All Saints church could be turned into a gym...
- then we said goodbye to diana and drove to karori and then... I DROVE!!! i got to drive up birdwood street all the way to my house, and i didn't crash once! i have concluded that automatic is the only way to go when it comes to cars and i neeeeeeed one (i thought you looooooooooved me).
- my cat did a poo _next_to the toilet! it was hilarious. she came into my room looking totally guilty, then i went to the toilet and lo and behold...
mum wasn't quite as impressed as i was.
- then i turned on my computer and checked my computer and was compelled to write this post, all because YOU, my dear readers, so nicely urged me to :)
next i must read some 2 samuel, put tessa to bed and finish Howards End.
ah yes, all in a days work.
10.15, the night is still young! and i have diet coke!