that's right, today is a very special day. i have officially been in my twenties for a third of a year.
here are some of the things i have learned:
-it doesn't matter about octopuses in the pantry because octopuses don't eat cake
-when boys say "straight" they actually mean "directly"
-boys are lovely
-contrary to common belief/wishful thinking, i cannot sing like a boy
-when someone tells you to duck, they usually mean it
-i do not like balls, especially ball dresses and ball shoes
-most of the time when people are laughing, it is AT me, not because of my sparkling wit
-perhaps more at my attempt at sparkling wit
-i do not have nodules
-artificial sweetener becomes poison when it is stored at a high temperature. i'm not sure how much you have to consume in order to store it, nor what the high tmperature is. please let me know.
-johnny depp is fabulous. so are sneakers.
-it is remarkably easy to bruise a flower petal. poor wee petals
-when you wear pants it is easier to do things, like walk places and climb over things and sit down. i like my pants.