(sorry about the delay. i was off on a visit to narnia that kept me busy for a few days...)
correct answers:
1) what do i want to be when i grow up?
dunno. maybe a parrot. (partial credit was given to answers that i have at some point wanted to be, and to answers that gave me ideas that i could add to my list of what to be when i grow up.)
2) why do women have small feet?
so that they can stand closer to the sink. (no other answers were acceptable.)
3) who sat down appalled until the evening sacrifice?
ezra. (ezra 9:3-4, the Bible). however, points were given for names of people who SHOULD be sitting down appalled until the evening sacrifice.
4) who said "that doesn't make sense to me...but then, you are very small"?
Treebeard. remember? from that lord of the rings thing?
5) what part did i play in my primary school production of Peter Pan?
"lily", the Maori version of Tiger Lily (apparently) - our school was PC and changed the Indians into 'People of the Land'. We did a nice poi dance for the pirates before they started attacking us.
6) what is the name of the band i was in during form 2? (bonus points if you can name any of our songs!)
Frozen Solid. We churned out such hits as 'Crazy', 'Eat your Peas', 'Little White Lie', and the unforgettable 'Regurgitated Blubber'. (many bonus points were awarded for band names that i liked.)
7) what will i be doing in ten years' time?
i don't know. i was hoping that you could tell me.
8) who is the best hobbit and why?
PIPPIN!!! duh!! he sings a song and is funny and cute and he speaks good and i would like to marry him i think. (many of you may know that i had a long time love of sam, however this sadly faded away after i read sean astin's autobiography...fans of sam, i do NOT recommend reading this book. it takes away the suspense of disbelief.)
9) who said "go on up, you baldhead!"
the youths, to Elisha. (2 Kings 2:23-25, the Bible). Much fun ensues - if you haven't already, go check this passage out :)
10) why do you think God gave you legs?
there is only one correct answer to this question:
11)what is the best jars of clay song ever?
my favourite is worlds apart followed very closely by my Heavenly. but i like hearing your opinions :) (bonus points to gareth and adam because you made me giggle).
12) the song lyric goes: "maybe something's coming right/the situation's black and white." song is called
Me and Theng It is from the Lads' new EP, called
the new adventures of the ladsthe Lads wrote the song after they met their World Vision sponser child.
Huggies - 235 782 points. i like that you incorporated the questions into your answers, it made it so much easier to read :) i also liked your use of the word whisk and your belief in my ability to become a cat lady. hmm, if it came down to cat lady or irish whisking, which would i choose...?
Lamsam/creepy john - 1 point. you can read my comments on huggies' blog.
David John - 200 points. i am very impressed that you remembered about tiger lily, and number 7 answer was funny because it is true! however, i expected more from you on no.3.. i will give you more points if you can play me the song from no.12 :)
Simon - impressive. all of your answers were either correct, or made me giggle. "you were in a band?" "someone who works in the kitchen." "one of the insignificant children." i give you 178.29 points. (and thank you for pointing out the other version of Me and Theng, i did not know about it!)
Gareth - none of your answers was right. not one. but you made me laugh. "understudy to third tree", eh? if only... you can have 5 points.
Natasha - 7 points. because i like you.
Adam - he he, he he he he.... you make me giggle also. have some points. 10 ought to do it.
Michelle - yup, those are your points :) and you can have 20 more because you have four incredibly gorgeous children :)
Missy Toto - ooh you know lots of things... even i had forgotten about mik and ailuj! 120 points!
Anonymous - zero points. i am a busy lady.
Ruth and Ace - how does a situation fly a kite? you can have some points if you explain this to me.
Kate Rigger - you are lovely and your new glasses are real cute. and i miss you! and your face! and - and - your TENT!! 50 points!