Thursday, November 27, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
it's here!
hehehe...thank you for all your comments on my lyrical masterpiece :)
i think that is the most comments this blog has had in a long time...
anyway, some of you know that i have been recording a short film with some of my music friends in my Performing Arts class at Teacher School. Aaaaand - here it is!!
The brief was to do a 2 minute scene from a soap opera set at a school. We did that....and more. Mainly because we had an inspiring and adventurous director, Mr Brent John Stewart.
Our soap opera is set at a happening New Zealand high school, Waikikamoocow High. Full of scandal and intrigue; you will laugh, you will cry, you will wish that you too went to Waikikamoocow High.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
an ode to Pete
The greatest day in history
Dunedin's beaten, Pete has been released
Sing it out,
Pete is still alive
The empty flat, the empty room
Pete is back and all the ladies swoon
Shout it out,
Pete is still alive
He's aliiive
Oh happy day, happy day
Pete returns today
Oh happy day, happy day
We'll never be the same
When he stands in this place
we see his hair, we even see his FACE
Sing it out,
Pete is still alive
Endless hotness, perfect teeth,
his good looks will never ever cease
Pete is still alive
He's aliiive
Oh happy day, happy day
Pete returns today
Oh happy day, happy day
And he's definitely not gay...
We'll never be the same...
Oh what a glorious day, what a glorious way
that you are hot, Pete
Oh what a glorious day, what a glorious way
Oh happy day, happy day
Pete returns today
Oh happy day, happy day
And he's definitely not gay...
We'll never be the same...
Sunday, November 02, 2008
church bulletin doodling
i stole this picture from Stuff Christians Like, a brilliant blog by Jon Acuff. Check it out!
Jesus wears jeans to heaven!