31 is a prime number. you can make no fun number tricks with it, like you can with 36. except for one:
3 cubed = 27. which is my birthday. and my brother michael's. and jakob's.
if you then add 1 to the 2, and take 1 away from the 7, you get 36, which is the most perfect number ever!
when i am 31, anyone who is 31 now will be 41. and if they had a son, he will be 10.
huggies will be 34, then 35. (not quite 36 but almost.)
1931 was the year before my nana was born. and my nana is fantastic.
it was also the year that the british writer arnold bennet died in paris when he drank local water to prove it was safe to drink.
at 115 ironside road there reside 3 people and 1 piano.
there are 3 animals and 1 mailbox.
how many times does 3 go into 1? 1/3!!
31 is a centered triangular number, a centered pentagonal number and centered decagonal number.
it is the atomic number of gallium.
(from huggies): "3+1=4..which is an even number..? and the number of people in my family. and the number of cats i'm going to have when i'm a cat lady (at least to start off with)"
messier object M31 is a magnitude 4.5 galaxy in the constellation andromeda. it is also known as the Andromeda Galaxy, and is readily visible to the naked eye in a modestly dark sky. modest.
31 is the code for international direct-dial phone calls to the netherlands.
in family guy, the griffin house is number 31 spooner street.
and all these things quite naturally lead me to think of ben..
ben is 31 today!
buddy, i am sure you can see by all that is written here that you have grown quite naturally grown into the number 31. i mean, when i think of gallium, poisonous french water, and the netherlands, i think of you :)
have a lovely last 1 hour and 19 minutes of your birthday, and i wish you a lovely next 31 years.
of course, in 31 years time you will probably spend most of your time on a rocking chair on the back porch, happy with no teeth, slurping on a peach, with a two string on your lap, chicken on the drums, and fifeteen hundred bass drum luggin' bug eyed monkeys.....