it is thundering outside. it is pretty exciting, especially cos it was so sunny this morning and now it is all dark with clouds and raining and thundering. but still hot.
anyway, today i am going to talk about christmas. because i like christmas. i really, really do. well, maybe not so much the day itself, but i love all the build up, i love the carols and the singing the most but i also love the decorating and buying things for people and wrapping things up and i love the way that everyone gets all happy and excited and people do things spontaneously and randomly "because it's christmas" and i love that you get a whole lot of non-christians quite happily singing Jesus songs and i love that right now i am sitting at my desk, "working", wearing an orange paper hat and my christmas cat socks and listening to the city on a hill christmas cd and no one thinks i'm weird, they just look at me and think "oh look, she is getting into the spirit of christmas, good for her!". or maybe they think i'm weird. who knows. the point is, it is christmas so it doesn't matter.
this year the thing i have gotten most excited about is one word: Emmanuel. i mean that pretty much sums it up doesn't it? God with us. this is the day he physically came to be with us and i don't know about you but i think that is pretty fantastic. he is with us and he will never leave us.
that is why i am partying hard.
bring on the carols and the rain!!!!