chocolate is stupid

well, it is.

Monday, November 20, 2006

missy toto

i am very sorry to report that our dear friend missy toto is soon to depart this fair country for an undetermined length of time.

she travels to ireland next week for exciting new career, friendship and husband opportunities :D

so i hereby declare this week missy toto week.

missy toto, is there anything in particular we can pray about for you? ie. help in finding a place to live/job?

everyone else, your task is to write your favourite things about/memories of missy toto.

we will miss you lady!!


At 20 November 2006 at 9:25 pm, Blogger essie said...

i like the way missy toto writes, and her smile and her lavender obsession and her ability to tell the queen who's boss and what an obviously loyal friend she is and how she comments on my blog as well as this one's NOT FAIR!! not only is she going away, but she's going where I wanna go!!

missy, if you see my prince charming over there, tell him he's in the wrong country

At 21 November 2006 at 12:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with what Huggies said. If you see a super-hot guy in Belfast called Liam... well, I still want him! Hehe.

Well, here's even more reason for me to get myself back there soon... so I can visit the one and only Missy Toto. Oh- no more aimlessly wandering (but entertaining)psychology lectures together :(

At 22 November 2006 at 9:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How it pains me to be leaving, but I will be sure to keep checking this blog (and Huggies', of course!) and commenting prolifically. I will keep a sharp eye out for prospective husbands for all and report any juicy details back here. Much love to you all and prayers would be welcome. Mainly that I do not plunge to a feiry death in a plane crash, or get forced to eat my fellow passengers to survive. Did I mention I'm not a good flyer? xoxo

At 22 November 2006 at 9:40 pm, Blogger essie said...

hehehe, you got it laura - i will be sure to mention those things specifically in my prayers :)

to be a good anything, one needs practice, yes? looks like you'll get plenty of flying time, so i see that as a good thing!!

take care missy, hope to hear from you often :D

At 23 November 2006 at 12:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yayayayay! A buddy on this side of the world. If you're ever in London Missy Toto, come and hunt me out and we can go adventuring together.

Have a safe trip! I'll be praying for you too :o)

At 23 November 2006 at 11:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to be in London!!! From 11th-14th December and then again from 20th-26th December. We should definitely rendezvous :)

Prayers are much appreciated; I feel they are working already.

At 25 November 2006 at 1:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, somewhat inconveniently, that's when I was planning on heading out of London for a month. But I can work on that . . . I can definitely be in London on Dec 11th. Send me an email on fk dot mckenzie at gmail dot com and we'll go from there. Where are you staying? YAY!! So glad you're coming to join the Kiwi contingent on this side of the world :o)


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