idiocy and creativity
feeling particularly idiotic tonight.
which begs the question, "why is Natalie posting on her blog"?
i don't know. maybe because it is comforting to share your idiocy with the internet. maybe because a problem shared is a problem halved.
anyway, here is a really cool talk by Sir Ken Robinson. It is about education, but worth watching if you have kids, know kids, are a kid, or went to school. and it's pretty funny too ;)
You feeling idiotic makes you sound hawt.
begs the question...hehe, hehe, heh
"worth watching if you have kids, know kids, are a kid, or went to school" worth watching for pretty much anyone then? I'm not sure my 8 month old nephew would find it as enthralling as attempting to balance and bashing his head against the coffee table...but you never know ;)
Now that I'm done trying to be clever... it was good. I wondered why he was using such old jokes, but then it made sense when I saw to the end and realised it was a talk from 2006. The ideas he was expressing seem pretty clued up though. I especially liked the part about ADHD. Before it was invented. People didn't know they were allowed to have such a condition :)
He has a strange laugh.
So Natalie, are you still feeling idiotic? I still think your version of idiotic is cooler than mine. Mine usually involves hiding in a corner somewhere and biting the head off anyone who comes near, whereas you seemed pretty on-to-it last night. Maybe you're just, like, a better person than I am.'re China.
Fantastic speech! I particularly liked the reference to Shakespeare's Engligh teacher :) TED is awesome.
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