crazy bathroom decisions
Tim used this phrase at church yesterday, and I just couldn't let it go without a blog post.
First of all, SO true! Most, if not all of my crazy decisions are made in bathrooms. It is my thinking place. My quiet place. My happy place. Where I can wash my hands and hide in small cubicles.
Secondly, I just love the concept that decisions made in bathrooms are, by default, crazy. There is just something that happens to your head when you are in the bathroom...logic leaves and passionate insanity takes over. Because the world seems smaller and things make more sense. You get away from logic and into your head.
Finally, I like the idea that decisions have genres. You know: business decisions, spontaneous decisions, decisions that require lists, and crazy bathroom decisions.
What other genres of decisions are there?
What crazy bathroom decisions have you made lately?
This is not exactly about a decision, but I find the bathroom (well, the toilet really) a useful place for thinking. This morning I was stuck on a particular problem at work (about how to implement part of an iterator for a linked list collection within OGJ), which I had been stuck on for a day or two, and while sitting on the toilet suddenly realised a way to do it. It was fairly crazy actually, adding an special interface with a generic parameter for the owner of another class to be passed to its one and only method, and then having the linked list implement this and pass itself to the iterator using this interface as the type, but it compiled with the OGJ compiler, so that was good.
In bed is also another good place. Then I fall asleep and forget about the decision.
Bed decisions are the best.
I really, really don't like getting away from logic and into my head. Getting into my head causes large amounts of emotional duress, and screws up things I really want to not screw up, and work hard at keeping unscrewed up.
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