chocolate is stupid

well, it is.

Monday, September 03, 2007

unashamedly mundane

my blog is mundane. and i am proud of it.

i said in one of my first blog posts ever, "i used to look down on people who wrote blogs, now i feel compelled to share my innermost thoughts and feelings with the world on a day to day basis. and really, why wouldn't i? i mean, why wouldn't the world want to know what colour my toothbrush is or why i have an irrational fear of change? as a blogger i now understand that i have a duty to offer this information to my adoring fans."

- why do i feel compelled to post about the mundane details of my life?

because i want to. because i like to record things that have happened. because it is fun. and why shouldn't i? it is a good way to share stuff with my friends, especially ones who live far away, if they feel like reading it.

- who, apart from friends, would care?

i dunno. and i don't care. my blog is really just for me and my friends. and if other people stumble upon it, that is fun too, and i like it when new people decide to read my blog; but i am certainly not looking to build up a fanbase. ("you mean mel?")

- is it simply a creative outlet? a funnel for venting?

both, kind of, but not really. some people have blogs for those exact purposes, and i reckon that those are good reasons to have a blog. i like to think of my blog as a 'variety blog'. sometimes i rant, sometimes i rave. sometimes i talk about what's been happening in my life, sometimes i talk about stuff that i am trying to figure out. sometimes i post pictures that i like, sometimes i post links to cool stuff like strongbad. sometimes i talk about things that i like, and sometimes i just wonder out loud.
is that okay? i reckon so. you don't have to read it if you don't want.

- or do i post believing others will bask in the veritable wonder that is my life?

yup :D of course!

go on, bask away. you know you want to....look at all my majesty.


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